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3rd Sunday of Each month at 11 am in Meeting Room

 When kids hit their teen years, parenting takes on a whole new dimension. Along that, kids are frequently dealing with the challenges of social media and other technologies that we didn't have as kids ourselves. Still, we want them ready for their adult lives ahead while empowering them to make positive decisions and learning from their mistakes. During the 2024-25 adult learning cycle, we are offering a parenting class and support group to help gain new perspective and strategies as parents.

We meet the 3rd Sunday of every month at 11am in the Meeting Room. The class is taught by Karl Olson, church member, Love and Logic trainer, educator, and parent, on Sundays during adult learning time. If you have any questions please e-mail him at 

While parenting can feel lonely, this is a chance to come together to celebrate and collaborate.